The President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that the American ambassador, Michael Murphy, by every act of his, directly interferes in the internal affairs of the country, which is not the job of any diplomat, especially someone like him, who is only an ambassador of the USA in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, not in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“This job, I must admit, he does excellently. As for us in the Republic of Srpska, he is not an ambassador here, because everything he has done during his mandate has been to the detriment of good relations between America and the Republika Srpska. For us in the Republika Srpska, he is just an ordinary Serb-hater and someone who undermines all the good that existed between the US and Srpska,” emphasized Dodik.

He highlighted that Murphy’s arrogance is to such an extent that only his followers, as exist in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, can accept his behavior.

“The Republika Srpska and the Serb people are not ones to sit on the sidelines and wait for any American ambassador to dictate to us what we should do, nor will they allow anyone to lie to or intimidate the population of Srpska. Through all political and legal means, we will preserve the sovereignty of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Dodik said to Srna when asked to comment on Murphy’s statement that “the US will not sit idly by and watch the President of Srpska lead Bosnia and Herzegovina into conflict.”

“When gunfire erupts from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, when they attack and plunder Serb returnees, when mujahideens roam freely in Bosnia and create their enclaves, Murphy stays silent, then he is both deaf and blind and mute. What does that mean, that we should also keep silent and approve of being oppressed? Bosnia and Herzegovina is, Mr. Murphy, a state comprising two equal entities and three constituent peoples – Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, and we will not allow ourselves to become a minority, to be threatened, or to have our territory taken away, not even by a superpower like America. We won’t give in, no matter how much you threaten,” Dodik stated.

He noted that Murphy’s hatred towards Serb is so intense that he even goes to the extent of claiming that everything is perfect in Sarajevo, the same Sarajevo where everything Serb was expelled, where ethnic cleansing took place.

“In that Sarajevo, where Zukan Helez and Ramo Isak are examples of the kind of personalities Murphy wants to see in institutions, who will, on his behalf and in his interest, carry out dirty work, make threats, intimidate, and sow discord among the population. That’s the only message that charlatan, the American ambassador, sends to the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and who knows by what means and in what manner, unfortunately, found himself in the position of the American ambassador. Murphy also said that the SDA, or Bakir Izetbegović, poorly managed the Intelligence-Security Agency in Sarajevo, and I thought it was managed by Americans. I believe I’m not naive; Murphy is washing his hands, and I’m sure some affair is behind this,” emphasized Dodik.

The President of Srpska mentioned that ambassadors worldwide have a mission to strengthen relationships and cooperation between two countries, not to break them down, not to favor one people over another, especially not to threaten.

He conveyed to Murphy that Republika Srpska is not the Wild West, nor is it inhabited by tribes; it’s a European Serb people with their illustrious history and tradition.
