“What is happening with the trial against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, solely because he acted in accordance with the Constitution and executed the decisions of the National Assembly, represents a geopolitical trial of Republika Srpska and the Dayton construction as a whole,” said journalist Đuro Bilbija in the show “Srpska Before the Court.”
“The process they have undertaken, with full awareness of manipulation or perhaps without a true consciousness of the consequences, is essentially not just a political process; it is, in a sense, an attempt at geopolitical judgment. It is not only directed at President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik and acting director of the Official Gazette Milos Lukić but also at Republika Srpska and the Dayton Bosnia and everything that made Dayton Bosnia possible,” Bilbija stated.
Bilbija pointed out that in the foreign agenda of destruction, President Milorad Dodik is the only obstacle.
“They are destroying the Dayton Agreement, and Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska are a huge obstacle on that path. They are trying to remove that obstacle. It is a real war, a war without weapons; they are using ‘silent gunpowder’,” emphasized Bilbija.