Guskova, a historian, a foreign member of the Serb Academy of Sciences and Arts, and a senator in Republika Srpska, highlighted that for several years, the West has been unsuccessful in attempting to remove Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, from the political scene.

She emphasized that Europe and the United States didn’t desire a strong and unified Yugoslavia, as the division of the USSR was planned. She expressed concerns that Serb might align with Russia, which was feared when the division happened. Guskova explained that the West aimed to create a unitary state in Bosnia and Herzegovina while denying special rights to Serb, which faced difficulties in execution.

Guskova mentioned the challenges faced by Republika Srpska, including attempts to impose a single customs system, a unified diplomatic service, and a common currency. She highlighted the role of high representatives in transferring authorities from Republika Srpska to the central government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, often violating the country’s constitution.

She pointed out the efforts to replace elected officials with individuals deemed compliant and how Dodik’s resistance to such impositions has created tension with the West. Dodik’s stance against the Western agenda, including NATO integration, has led to conflicts with international representatives and sanctions imposed by the United States.

Guskova outlined Dodik’s resilience against Western pressure, highlighting his efforts to defend Republika Srpska’s autonomy and rights. She also discussed Dodik’s opposition to the high representative’s actions and his attempts to block decisions imposed upon Republika Srpska by external forces.

In conclusion, Guskova believes that the Western attempt to remove Dodik and manipulate Republika Srpska’s political landscape has faced significant resistance due to Dodik’s strong leadership and his stance in safeguarding the autonomy of Republika Srpska. She posits that the West’s efforts to find alternative means to unseat Dodik continue, but their success remains uncertain.

Source: RTRS
