“Today in Banja Luka, the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated that attacks against Serb returnees in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are coming to light, and everything will be done to assist them.

“We’ve been providing help and will continue to do so. Previously, there were reports of attacks on Bosniaks in Srpska, even sensationalism, but it turns out that Bosniaks attack their own people,” Višković said.

He mentioned that in FBiH, Serb aren’t allowed to report attacks, their forests are being cut, and their properties destroyed. Even when they report to competent cantonal ministries, they face even greater problems.

Višković stated that because of this, people often remain silent about incidents.

“I’m proud that there are much greater freedoms and a better life for members of other ethnicities in Srpska than in FBiH. Serb in FBiH live without electricity, water, and basic living conditions, job opportunities are scarce, the road infrastructure is poor, and they live in fear. They fear because they’re not allowed to report incidents. The case of a woman in Vozuća was known because she was beaten, needing medical assistance, while a couple of slaps wouldn’t have prompted any reaction. I’m sure there are more unreported cases,” Višković emphasized.

He urged everyone in FBiH to protect Serb who, as he stated, should seek the protection of Srpska’s institutions as they live on ancestral lands.”

Source: RTRS
