“The Embassy of the Russian Federation in BiH highlighted that Christian Schmidt is not the High Representative in BiH and that contrary claims by certain members of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) do not legitimize Schmidt but delegitimize the Steering Board.

“Therefore, the conclusions published after the PIC Steering Board session cannot be regarded as the stance of the international community, especially given that the content of the document stands out for its bias and imbalance, not to mention the textual violation of Annex 4 of the Dayton Agreement – the Constitution of BiH,” stated the Russian Embassy in response to an inquiry by Srna commenting on the PIC communique from Wednesday.

The Russian Embassy emphasizes the hypocrisy of mantras about supporting unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of BiH when certain Steering Board members consciously undermine unity and sovereignty (with the imposed Office of the High Representative) and the country’s territorial integrity through their approach.

This diplomatic representation highlights that the value of the Dayton Agreement lies in enabling the building of BiH in line with the aspirations of its citizens.

“However, as practice in its implementation shows, only decisions reached by the political subjects of BiH can be sustainable and vital, not those written in the OHR or in the US Embassy, decided, as they say, at the ‘gunpoint’ of the High Representative, through coercion and illegal sanctions, obtaining a scholastic formal-legal framework,” stated the Russian Embassy.

The Russian Embassy urged the parties in BiH to reject external mentoring, demonstrate wisdom, patience, a compromising approach, setting an example in a turbulent world by resolving issues maturely and responsibly to create a truly independent and sovereign BiH, achieving the well-being and peace of all its citizens.”

Source: Nezavisne novine
