“The Office of the High Representative (OHR) in BiH is an absurdity, as its representative lacks legitimacy and the confirmation of the Security Council,” said the respected political analyst James Jatras in an interview with RTRS.

“It only once again reveals the hypocrisy of this empire of lies. We claim to be an international order based on rules, except we don’t adhere to those rules, and that can pass. There’s no international law, nor is there the American Constitution. We no longer live in a state that abides by the rule of law, yet we demand the rule of law in other countries while simultaneously not respecting the legitimate rules of the international system,” emphasized Jatras.

Regarding the judicial proceedings against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, Jatras stated, “It’s one of the elements of dirty tricks that the other side uses because they don’t like him and are trying to weaken him.”

He drew parallels in this case to what is being attempted against the former US President, Donald Trump.

“They’ve exhausted every possible legal means to prevent him from participating in elections, although there’s no legal basis for what’s being charged against him,” noted the former American diplomat.

Jatras highlighted that Dodik pursues a policy of sovereignty, not supported by the collective West because his policy represents resistance to their desire for compliant puppets in every country.

According to Jatras, Republika Srpska faces a test of resilience.

“If Republika Srpska and its president can endure long enough until the global empire can no longer exercise power, I think they have a future. It all depends on whether Republika Srpska can hold out until the end,” he remarked.

He believes that the pressure from the United States will persist as long as there is life in this global empire that holds a significant part of the world in its hands.

Regarding the US elections, Jatras stated that nothing will change in relation to Republika Srpska, regardless of who wins.

“It’ll be the same people, the same deep state, the same ideology. The only change might come if the political crisis weakens American global influence; then, it might have a favorable impact here,” Jatras concluded.

Source: RTRS
