President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, stated that the legal proceedings against President Milorad Dodik and the actions by Kristijan Šmit are occupation measures lacking legitimacy and support from international or domestic authorities.

“This is a result of the geopolitical power of major countries to impose an illegitimate figure and change laws that will disrupt people’s ability to function normally, humiliate entire nations, and undermine the democratic capacity of the elected assemblies that create and pass laws,” Stevandić said.

He mentioned that similar legitimacy was seen in those who, in 1915, condemned Serb to death in a treasonous trial merely for being Serb, and in those who, in 1941, created racial laws in the Independent State of Croatia.

“In those laws, it was explicitly written that entry was forbidden for Serb and dogs. Here, it’s only allowed to exert force against Serbs. However, this doesn’t mean that we won’t defend ourselves and fight back,” Stevandić emphasized.

Source: RTRS
