“New attack on Serb returnees is yet another proof that Serb in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are not safe and that every possible pressure is being exerted on them to leave their ancestral homes,” stated Branimir Kojić, the President of the Assembly of the Republican Organization of Families of Captured and Fallen Soldiers and Missing Civilians, in an interview with RTRS.

“This is a clear signal and message that they want an ethnically pure Islamic Federation,” emphasized Kojić.

He noted the absence of condemnation from Ramiz Salkić or Ćamil Duraković for the brutal attack on Serb returnee Ljeposava Petković in the Stošnica settlement.

Kojić added that all this is happening precisely during the trial of Republika Srpska, its citizens, and institutions, which is a clear indicator that Serb are under immense pressure regardless of gender, societal status, or age.

“We demand an immediate identification of the attackers on Ljeposava Petković because they are reopening wounds that have not yet healed. Once again, they are humiliating and insulting our loved ones, while the criminals walk freely, laughing in the faces of surviving family members,” Kojić emphasized.

Source: RTRS
