The legal proceedings against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, are nothing but an attack on the institutions of Republika Srpska and the Serb people. That’s why today, both inside and outside the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, numerous representatives of organizations stemming from the Defense-Patriotic War, students, public officials, local parliament councilors from Republika Srpska, and supporters from the Serb Federation were present. All are urging seriousness during this critical moment for Republika Srpska.

Hundreds of citizens from Herzegovina, Krajina, Semberija, Podrinje, and the surrounding municipalities of the Sarajevo-Romanija region gathered today in front of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a message of “enough is enough.” Responding to the systemic assault on the greatest sanctuary of Republika Srpska through the orchestrated trial of Milorad Dodik and Miloš Lukić, they stood united in unreserved support for the President of the Republic.

“We believe that today we must all be united in defending the institutions of Srpska. I think the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina should have focused on much more serious issues, primarily prosecuting crimes against the Serb population,” emphasized Isidora Graorac, President of the Organization of Families of Captured and Fallen Fighters and Missing Civilians of Republika Srpska.

“People are judged when they make mistakes. Here, they call and prosecute a man who has made no mistake in his work, so why summon him?” stated Božica Rajilić Živković, President of the Association of Women Victims of Republika Srpska.

The legal process against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the Director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, is nothing short of an attack on the institutions of Srpska and the Serb people. That’s why today, there were numerous representatives of organizations stemming from the Defense of the Homeland War, students, public officials, local parliament members from Srpska, and support was also given by representatives of the Serbs from the Federation, both inside and outside the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They all called for seriousness in the current situation faced by Republika Srpska.

The court process has been particularly hard on demobilized fighters and former detainees. They’re outraged that the Serb name is again being disregarded in what was once a camp for Serb, the former Viktor Bubanja barracks, now a complex of judicial institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“No one values freedom as much as those of us who lost it and painstakingly regained it; many haven’t regained it, many remain here. There are indications that the courtyard of this building holds the unexhumed remains of Serb, and now, they’re prosecuting the institution of the President of Srpska; it’s all an absurdity,” stated Vinko Lale, a former detainee from Silos and the President of the Association of Detainees of the Birač Region.

“The illegal High Representative, an illegal Court, everything is illegal. The Veterans’ Organization of Srpska supports the president,” emphasized Dragiša Tuševljak, President of the Veterans’ Organization of East New Sarajevo.

Alongside veterans, former detainees, war invalids, women war victims, and the youth of Srpska, they stood before the Court, fully aware that this moment will affect their future.

“I believe, like all students regardless of the faculty they attend, that this is an unconstitutional trial against the president, one without a valid basis to proceed, imposed by institutions that weren’t legally elected,” highlighted Mihajlo Kovačević, a Law Faculty student at the University of East Sarajevo.

“It’s evident that this trial is against Republika Srpska and against every individual from Srpska, and the number of people present here shows that. I think it’s clear that Srpska will emerge stronger from this,” expressed Darko Matijašević, former Minister of Internal Affairs of Srpska.

Today’s mass gathering outside the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina nullified previous bans imposed by Sarajevo authorities. Serb freely and dignifiedly expressed their opinion on the farcical trial of the President of Srpska and the Director of the Official Gazette. Not a single incident was recorded.

“We all came here together as representatives of citizens who elected us to support our institutions, our president, and to participate together in this process,” conveyed Igor Žunić, a member of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska.

“We’ll demonstrate that it’s impossible for a country to develop if someone is undermining those who lead its institutions. I hope wisdom will prevail, and we’ll achieve a liberating verdict,” said Ljubiša Ćosić, Mayor of East Sarajevo.

“In my opinion, this is the burial of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Witnessing the final act of a false state, to judge the President of Srpska, legitimately elected by the people, is undoubtedly the end of this country. I’m glad we’re here today with our president, through thick and thin,” mentioned Nedeljko Elek, Director of Sarajevogas in East Sarajevo.

Everyone present is convinced that the initiators will abandon the judicial process, or at least it will culminate in an acquittal. They are certain that, after everything, Republika Srpska will emerge stronger and more united, with its institutions preserved.

Source: RTRS
