In Brussels, today marks the Second High-Level Political Forum on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European integrations. The forum will focus on the progress regarding the fulfillment of the 14 key priorities outlined by the European Commission’s Opinion.

Attending are leaders of the political parties constituting the government at the BiH level, delegations from the Council of Ministers, and governments of Republika Srpska, the Federation, and cantons, along with the mayor of the Brčko District.

President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, emphasized that Srpska will maintain its initial positions, asserting that Bosnia and Herzegovina can only join the European Union without foreign interference, meaning no High Representative or foreign judges.

“If they deviate from this again, then they can’t say that it’s Srpska hindering the processes. It’s the foreigners doing it, and that’s already clear,” Dodik stated.

The European Commission’s report on Bosnia and Herzegovina for this year, unveiled at the beginning of November, conditionally recommended the initiation of accession talks.

Source: RTRS
