“Minister of Trade and Tourism of Republika Srpska, Denis Šulić, stated that this year has seen a record tourist season with around 72,000 more overnight stays compared to the previous year.
“We are particularly pleased that, compared to the period before the coronavirus epidemic, Republika Srpska has a larger share in the number of overnight stays in Bosnia and Herzegovina by about 10 percent. We are currently at around 35 percent of overnight stays and 34 percent of arrivals in Republika Srpska for this year. In comparison to the previous year, that ratio was about 32 percent in the number of arrivals and 31 percent in the number of overnight stays. This year, we have grown by about three to five percent compared to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Šulić to journalists in Banja Luka.
He mentioned that amendments to the Law on Tourism will introduce a central information system to provide more precise statistical data on accommodation capacities in Republika Srpska.
“We want to show how many people actually come to Republika Srpska. I am confident that these numbers are much higher than what the current statistics show,” added Šulić.
He emphasized that the potential for hunting tourism in Republika Srpska is enormous and is an important segment for tourism development in the region.
Šulić also mentioned that the ministry is working to address issues that have arisen due to the adoption of regulations at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which negatively affect this sector in Republika Srpska.”
Source: Banjaluka.net