Kristijan Schmidt executed a “state” coup in Bosnia and Herzegovina by appropriating legislative powers that do not belong to him. This has prompted Serbia and Croatia, guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement, to react. This message was conveyed from Belgrade by lawyer Goran Petronijević.

Former diplomat Zoran Milivojević sees the ongoing legal process against President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the Official Gazette Miloš Lukić as a direct attack on the Dayton Agreement, aiming to reshape Bosnia and Herzegovina in line with the interests of certain parts of the international community.

Experts highlight that the aim of the trial against the President of Republika Srpska is to remove him from the political scene. They emphasize that the illegitimate Kristijan Schmidt presumes legislative authority, inserting Article 203 into the Criminal Code, criminalizing non-compliance with his decisions.

The unconstitutional Prosecutor’s Office doesn’t delay, bringing charges, while the unconstitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirms them.

“In essence, he doesn’t have the role of lawmaking; he has executed a state coup in Bosnia and Herzegovina, claiming legislative power for himself, altering the Criminal Code to impose penalties on those who don’t comply with his orders. According to this provision, Dodik is now being pursued. This is a mockery of justice,” says Petronijević.

Even if ratified by an appropriate UN Security Council resolution, which it isn’t as Russia and China have not accepted it, were Bosnia and Herzegovina a sovereign state, Kristijan Schmidt would not have been able to assume the role of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and enact laws under which the Bosnian-Herzegovinian judiciary is now pursuing the legitimately elected President of Republika Srpska.

“This is an attempt to forcibly dismantle the Dayton Agreement and establish a new status for Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the interests of a part of the international community,” adds Milivojević.

Source: RTRS
