Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UN, Bojan Vujić, stated that the US continues to target politicians in Republika Srpska who defend the Dayton Peace Agreement and the interests of the Serb people.

Commenting on the ongoing threats by the US and US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Michael Murphy towards the leadership of Republika Srpska, Vujić remarked that this sends a very negative message.

“For me, this is not unexpected, considering what we have seen lately in terms of sanctions,” Vujić told Srna.

Vujić, who previously served as Bosnia and Herzegovina’s ambassador to the US, emphasized that the unwarranted attacks and sanctions target not only the President of Republika Srpska but also all political representatives of the Serb people.

He highlighted witnessing meetings in Washington where the Serbian member of the Presidency of BiH, Željka Cvijanović, defended the interests of the Serb people, the Constitution, and the Dayton Peace Agreement of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“As you can see, unfortunately, it doesn’t work as the Constitution says, and honestly, it’s nothing unexpected,” Vujić explained, assessing that threats and sanctions are not the way Bosnia and Herzegovina should function.

Vujić acknowledged being Bosnia and Herzegovina’s ambassador but emphasized his origin from Republika Srpska, expressing gratitude to all Serbian officials defending their people’s interests.

Reflecting on discussions with high-ranking US officials, Vujić mentioned raising concerns about attempts to seize Republika Srpska’s property, considering that, according to the Dayton Peace Agreement, it belongs to the entities.

“When I asked a US official why they are trying to confiscate Republika Srpska’s property since, according to the Dayton Peace Agreement, it belongs to the entities, he merely said he’s not a lawyer and doesn’t have an answer. I think that says it all,” Vujić concluded.
