“Emeritus Professor Nenad Kecmanović has assessed that Sarajevans, enchanted by distant America, fail to notice the geopolitical changes happening in the rest of the world. They are even oblivious to the fact that the center of power from the joint institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Milorad Dodik and Dragan Čović, has moved to Banja Luka and West Mostar, right in front of them.”

“Kecmanović, in an authored piece for Belgrade’s Politika, assessed that Bosnia and Herzegovina is naturally following the agony of the former SFR Yugoslavia, where one of the symptoms of collapse was the weakening influence of the Presidency of the SFRY in relation to the federal units.

He mentioned that the troika in the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, apart from routine tasks, generally agree to disagree on almost everything, while discussions on key topics are led by Dodik and Čović, the leaders of the victorious national parties SNSD and HDZ, for now without Bakir Izetbegović at the helm of the electorally dominant SDA.

Kecmanović suggested that Bosniaks cooperate with the illegitimate Christian Schmidt because they share illusions: his, that he is indeed the High Representative for BiH, and theirs, that they alone decide on BiH.

For Serb, Schmidt is some kind of ‘useful idiot’ because he opened their eyes to what awaits them if they relent. Meanwhile, Bosniaks seem to suffer from Stockholm syndrome. They bind themselves to Protestant-Catholic Islamophobes and go into a trance whenever any random person from the West utters a nice word in English or German – Kecmanović opined.

He also pointed out that BiH is not a NATO member, nor is it slated to become one, and NATO is neither a signatory nor a guarantor of the Dayton Agreement.

Referring to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg’s recent visit to BiH and the talk of ‘secessionist rhetoric,’ Kecmanović highlighted that before ‘secessionist rhetoric,’ there was ‘inflammatory rhetoric,’ which didn’t ignite any fires.

According to him, Dodik is merely cautioning that since for Bosniaks, Dayton is a ‘straitjacket’ and they won’t accept a new agreement on BiH, the only solution is a peaceful breakup.

The problem is Dodik’s rhetoric itself because they are used to being worshiped everywhere in the world. In Sarajevo and beyond, and Dodik confronts them and swears at them. However, this is becoming more common everywhere, and it will be useful for them as practice – Kecmanović concluded.”
