“Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Nebojša Radmanović, stated that the MPs of the SNSD and the Serbian Club have justifiably initiated the dismissal of the Minister of Defense in the Council of Ministers, Zukan Helez, because they concern significant statements that disrupt overall relations in BiH.

He emphasized that the MPs initiated the dismissal after considering whether a person creating such problems for BiH can remain in that position.

Radmanović pointed out that this doesn’t relate to any personal relationship between the political party’s club and the minister; rather, it’s about addressing the ‘Helez problem.’

‘Here we’re dealing with a specific situation, with several significant statements that, in our opinion, disrupt overall relations in BiH, and we hope to prevent it from being disrupted as much as some might desire,’ Radmanović emphasized.

Regarding the letter from the SNSD MPs in the Parliamentary Assembly addressed to the American Senate and Congress, as well as the European Parliament, stating that the SDA has an Islamist ideology, Radmanović stated that it doesn’t imply that the Bosniak people are such.

‘It couldn’t be said that the entire people are accused, but it’s related to the Bosniak people. The accusation wasn’t directed towards the entire population. We stated, and perhaps it’s the most severe judgment, that the SDA has an Islamist ideology. We concluded this from the founder of the SDA, the first president, and from the “Islamic Declaration.” Despite some periods when the SDA negotiated well within BiH, it hasn’t distanced itself from that,’ Radmanović told BHRT.

According to him, if you say ‘you are protagonists of Russian influence,’ which I claim isn’t true, then we have to observe what flags are being used in different areas, how you celebrate certain holidays, or ones that aren’t yours, what messages you convey, how you judge.

Regarding the holidays that don’t have a unified stance in Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH, Radmanović emphasized that it’s not just ZAVNOBiH’s anti-fascist story.

‘The anti-fascist story is participating in a coalition that defeated the greatest evil. Almost all of us in Republika Srpska belong to that. It doesn’t mean I have to acknowledge that ZAVNOBiH is a holiday because it’s not a holiday,’ Radmanović said.

He stressed that Republika Srpska has its view on ZAVNOBiH but doesn’t distance itself from anti-fascism.

‘ZAVNOBiH is part of a story, a movement that occurred in creating a new order in a state that existed before, just within different boundaries and with a different system. We have a serious problem at the top of BiH, in the Presidency. We have a historian who completely misinterprets what he has learned. And when we translate that into daily politics, we get many other problems. Those who now say that ZAVNOBiH is everyone’s holiday in BiH, they renounced that on March 1, 1992, because two nations were against one. And now they want to return to the beginning. It’s impossible,’ Radmanović concluded.”
