In celebration of Library Day, a poetry evening was held in Novi Grad. Marko Milošević, a young poet from Belgrade who has published four poetry collections, recited his verses during the event.
Milošević’s poetry questions the concept of truth and shares his experiences and emotions from life with the readers. He emphasizes that through his verses, he feels the need to relive his past, experience the present, and embrace the future.

“My entire concept is poetry of life. Four published collections with over 90 appearances across the former Yugoslavia. It’s a big return of poetry among people, especially young people,” expressed Milošević.
The themes within Milošević’s poems revolve around life.
“There isn’t a subject someone couldn’t relate to. 140 actors recited my poems,” Milošević added.
Therefore, at the National Library in Novi Grad, they decided to delight their fellow citizens with beautiful poetry.
“We rewarded our most prominent readers. This year, we are honored to have Marko Milošević as our guest. This is a gift to all our readers, not only readers but also to all our fellow citizens,” conveyed Maja Jovanović Kostadinović, the director of the National Library in Novi Grad.
Marko Milošević’s poetry has also found its place within film collections.