“At the Republic Palace in Banja Luka, a reception was held for the European and World judo champion, Nemanja Majdov, hosted by the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

Members of Nemanja Majdov’s family were also present at the reception. President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that the European and World judo champion, Nemanja Majdov, from East Sarajevo, is the best ambassador of Srpska and the Serb people. During the reception held for this athlete at the Republic Palace, Dodik congratulated Majdov on past achievements and wished him further success in upcoming competitions.

There are no better ambassadors for Srpska and the Serb people than exemplary athletes like this. It is our duty to ensure that such successes are not overlooked, and Majdov deserves the highest recognition. I plan to award him and his team with commendations for the Republic Day because they deserve it,” said Dodik.

The President of Srpska mentioned that one of the sports halls in Srpska and the training center on Jahorina should bear the name of this athlete. Majdov emphasized that the President of Srpska has always strongly supported him, which has meant a lot to him in achieving his sporting successes.

“Few people, like Dodik, support athletes in this way, and there is much to learn from him. We are the best ambassadors for Srpska and Serbs, we strive and will continue to do so in that regard,” said Majdov, adding that he supports the President of the Republic in leading Srpska on the best path. Representing Serbia in judo, Nemanja Majdov, born in East Sarajevo, became the European champion in the under 90 kilograms category on November 5th. In the final, Majdov defeated Lasha Bekauri from Georgia after an exhausting battle that reached a deep golden point ippon, thus achieving the European crown.”
