“President of the Government of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated that numerous investors interested in investing in Srpska have reached out to the government. Višković mentioned that Srpska cannot be compared to economically developed countries in terms of wages workers receive there, but its advantage lies in having a qualified workforce.

He emphasized that our people have proven themselves as excellent workers, coupled with a favorable geographical position, numerous tax incentives, and other measures. Due to these aspects, numerous investors have already expressed their interest in investing in this region,” said Višković to Television “Una.”

He highlighted that these are all activities undertaken to reduce the number of individuals leaving this region for foreign countries. He also noted that migration occurs in European countries and worldwide, not just in Srpska.

Višković added that Republika Srpska has shown stability and determination to create a favorable environment for investment. However, the problem arises at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina due to an unstable political situation at that level.

He pointed out that the government in Srpska is doing everything to increase wages, emphasizing that it is a lengthy and demanding process.

“It’s not a process that you can finish overnight or in a short period; it requires creating preconditions for it, which we have been doing in the past period. We have devised many measures to attract foreign investors to open facilities here and employ our people,” stated Višković.
