“Minister of Trade and Tourism of Republika Srpska, Denis Šulić, stated to SRNA that for the first 10 months of this year, 416,024 arrivals and 968,478 overnight stays by tourists have been recorded in Republika Srpska, and it’s almost certain that the record in the number of overnight stays will be surpassed from last year.

Šulić highlighted that compared to the same period last year, there has been an increase of around 10% in the number of arrivals and 8% in the number of overnight stays.

He noted that Republika Srpska has been consistently experiencing a growth in the number of foreign guests, who currently make up almost 60% of the registered arrivals. The minister mentioned that traditionally, guests from regional countries dominate, but there’s been a noticeable increase in the number of tourists arriving from Turkey.

“With Jahorina opening the winter season last weekend and skiing already underway on the Olympic mountain, I believe that the occupancy of Jahorina and other winter destinations like Kozara, Kneževa, and Igrista, whose opening is being prepared, will set records this year and at the beginning of the next,” said Šulić.

According to the data from the Republic Institute for Statistics, domestic tourists accounted for 169,810 arrivals or 40.82% and 416,158 overnight stays or 42.97%, while foreign tourists made 246,214 arrivals or 59.18% and 552,320 overnight stays or 57.03%.”
