“President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, addressed the students of the Faculty of Medicine in Foča today, assuring them of the government’s support to provide good learning and working conditions. However, he emphasized that they also need to take on greater social responsibility.

Dodik, who visited the Faculty of Medicine in Foča along with His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, urged the students to not only specialize in their chosen field but also be socially responsible.

‘You are studying at one of the most challenging faculties, and your education is continuous. You don’t finish the faculty like other students; you have to pursue specialization and further advancement,’ Dodik mentioned.

He wished the students success in their education and careers, highlighting that they are preparing for one of the most rewarding professions and therefore should assume greater responsibility in society.Dodik mentioned the approval of funds for a new student dormitory, highlighting its significance for the students, and thanked Serbian Patriarch Porfirije for praising the efforts and dedication of the authorities in Republika Srpska.”
