“Vulić: The SNSD Parliamentary Club and Serbian Club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH will initiate a motion for the dismissal of Defense Minister Zukan Helez,” stated Sanja Vulić, head of the SNSD Parliamentary Club.

Vulić clarified that this isn’t about any form of blackmail but responsible conduct by the deputies elected by the citizens of Republika Srpska, unlike the ‘trio’ and their forms of blackmail.

“Sefik Hurić, not Denis Šulić, was your blackmail, and ours was a compromise. The ‘trio’ apparently believes that we should accept rules exclusively defined by them or their friends in the international community. They have deceived themselves and played games. Nobody will play by anyone’s rules. We can only discuss and negotiate based on the Dayton Agreement and Dayton BiH, respecting its territorial integrity and sovereignty, and no other way,” Vulić emphasized.

She reminded that Republika Srpska was recognized by the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH, has its institutions, its Constitution, and whoever comes to Srpska must respect its institutions and its holidays.

“Yesterday, gentlemen from the ‘trio,’ you played games again. You came to Republika Srpska to provoke the most vulnerable category of society in Srpska, the members of the Army of Republika Srpska. It’s not just hypocrisy, it’s insolence. We in Republika Srpska are dignified; we know who we are and what we are, we have our glorious history. And you, you no longer know who you are, what you are, or what you celebrate. Just one thing you should know – you don’t interest us, neither you nor your FBiH, except for the few competencies envisaged by the Dayton Agreement,” Vulić concluded for Srna.
