BELGRADE, 24th NOVEMBER /SRNA/ – Professor Nenad Kecmanović has announced that the reaffirmation of the “Patriotic League” is probably a preparation of the young generations of Bosniaks for the “second half of the war” in which “Bosniaks will turn around the result and finally win and liberate ‘temporarily occupied territories’ of Republika Srpska and Herceg-Bosna.”

Kecmanović in a statement for Srna pointed out that veterans of “Green Berets” are gathering and offering their warrior experience to Bosniak members of the Presidency of BiH.

In a comment on the recent promotion of the book “Patriotic League in the birth of the miracle of Bosnian resistance” in Travnik, he asked whom or what the “Bosnian miracle” resisted, which, according to the testimony of Alija Izetbegović himself, was formed in spring 1991 at a meeting of the SDA leadership in the basement of the Police House in Sarajevo, thus a year before the start of the war.

“It was a military faction of the party, an illegal armed formation that was preparing for war, and beside it, Muslims formed two more paramilitary formations ‘Green Berets’ and ‘Bosna’. All three, as well as Muslim Territorial Defense, hid under the cloak /so-called/ Army of BiH in which there were practically neither Croats nor Serbs. The first formed the HVO, and the latter long relied on the protection of the JNA,” stated Kecmanović.

According to his words, Muslims/Bosniaks offered “resistance” in the war that SDA, with the support of USA, politically provoked by holding a referendum against the will of the Serbian people expressed at the plebiscite in November 1991.

“I think of that fateful conversation between Cimerman-Izetbegović, after which the latter withdrew his signature from the Kutiljero plan,” said Kecmanović.

He reminded that the first victims of the civil war in Sarajevo were the Serbian wedding guest Nikola Gardović in front of the Old Orthodox Church at Baščaršija, professor Milutin Najdanović who was massacred near Koševo Stadium, and that eight JNA officers were shot in the Great Park in the center of the city.

He emphasized that what the paramilitary Muslim formations did was neither “Bosnian” nor “resistance”.

“Bosnian no, because in the ‘Patriotic League’ there were neither Serbs nor Croats except in a symbolic number, so it could only be Muslim resistance. But not even ‘resistance’ because every national side established power in territories where it represented a majority – Muslims just as much as Serbs and Croats,” said Professor Kecmanović.

According to his words, it was known even before the war that western Herzegovina was mostly Croatian, Cazinska Krajina Muslim, Semberija Serbian and so on.

“Cities had nationally mixed populations, but with the dominance of one nation. That’s why Sarajevo and Tuzla went to the Bosniaks, Banja Luka to the Serbs, and Mostar was divided because the number of Muslims and Croats was equal and that came to expression even at the first free elections in ’90,” he said.

Kecmanović pointed out that those who “lived in the wrong place” fared the worst.

“It was hard for them both to stay and to leave and to return. Now, Bosniaks don’t mind that in Sarajevo and Mostar there are almost no Serbs left, but they are bothered that BiH is not unitary, without entities and cantons, so that they as the majority could dominate the entire country. Everything not under their control they call temporarily occupied territory. Their ‘resistance’ that even Serbs and Croats as constituent peoples have the right to a piece of BiH causes ‘resistance’ in them, and rationally looking, that is indeed ‘odd’,” he said.

Kecmanović added that neither Republika Srpska nor the community of municipalities with a Croatian majority ever show any territorial claims on Bosniak cantons, but from Sarajevo Canton, there is constant talk about how the Dayton Agreement, which they themselves signed, is a “straitjacket for Bosniaks”, that the Serbs are Chetniks, Croats – Ustaše, and they are good Bosnians.

Kecmanović emphasized that the Army of Republika Srpska /VRS/ was not the one that decapitated captured soldiers with a saber near Vozuća and over the Kazani pit above Sarajevo, but that Bosniaks are the ones who are “victims”.

“That was a specialty /so-called/ Army of BiH which means ‘Patriotic League’ and ‘Green Berets’, taken from Al-Qaeda, ISIL, and other formations of Islamic terrorism. However, thus acquired moral capital of victim Bosniaks retained even after the war and today they play on that card,” said Kecmanović.

He emphasized that they as a mantra repeat “aggression”, “mass crimes”, “genocide”, “ethnic cleansing” on the other side, and on their side are only victims.

“The Hague Tribunal had the goal to judicially verify that, and they based on that mystification still seek recognition, apology, compensation, protection. That’s why maybe even for them the happiest solution is that Dodik’s peaceful disassociation so that they could turn to themselves without hated neighbors and beloved foreigners and recount what they actually want. Or continue to enjoy in the ‘miracle of Bosnian resistance that led them to defeat'”, concluded Kecmanović.
