
Nobilo in the podcast “The Border Exists”: The existence of a High Representative is a negation of democracy

Nobilo in the podcast “The Border Exists”: The existence of a High Representative is a negation of democracy

The existence of any high representative is a negation of democracy, especially this one who enacts laws, said lawyer Anto Nobilo.

As a lawyer, it shocks me that there is a man who enacts laws! Have you ever heard that there is one man who can bring any law including the law that states: “If you don’t respect my decisions you must go to prison”. Only in BiH there is a man who can do that. That is the peak of absurdity and negation of democracy, and in the west, they claim that it must not be done – emphasized Nobilo, who is an advisor to the defense team of the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik.

Guesting in the first episode of the podcast “The Border Exists”, which will be broadcast tonight at 18:00 hours, Nobilo stressed that it is legitimate to have a political fight against an illegal high representative.

I don’t see a problem that someone has a political program whose action is directed against a foreign governor who himself enacts laws – concluded Nobilo, guesting in the podcast “The Border Exists” whose broadcasting starts today, and which is a continuation of activities supporting the institutions of Republika Srpska expressed through people’s protests which were organized 17 times on the border between Republika Srpska and the neighboring FBiH.

The first episode of the podcast “The Border Exists” will be broadcast on this internet address.
